Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It has been a tough week on feet at our house! Tori crashed on her scooter and we thought for sure she had broken her foot. Her and I headed to the emergency room. My wonderful mom met us there and took Cole. I don't know what I would do without her! No matter what, if I need her, she is there the second I call, love ya mom! Anyway, turned out to be just sprained and they sent us home with a set of crutches. It has put Tori out of competing until January though.
Then on Monday Cole was trying to get a popsicle out of the freezer and dropped a package of frozen meat on his toe. We went to the dr. yesterday because the pressure just wasn't releasing and they burned a hole in his toenail to relieve it.
Our house is not a safe place to have your left foot these days :)

Oh, and just as a side note.... My sadness at being all alone a couple of mornings a week is GONE! I have a new found love of actually getting things done alone :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My baby is not a baby anymore

Today was Cole's first day of Preschool. When we got to school he tried telling me he didn't need me to walk in with him. Little does he know he still needs me! Well... maybe it's me that still needs him to need me. It was hard dropping him off. How did he get old enough for school already? We are blessed to be in Mrs. Purcell's school. I know she will love him and take care of him.