Today I got to go on a Field Trip with Tori's class to the Federal and District Courthouses downtown. This was my cute little group of girls :) Every one of them are in my primary as well. I just love those girls!

Monster Jam 2011

We have taken our kids to some pretty cool stuff. But Cole has never been as excited as he was at this! He was jumping up and down and screaming for "his" truck. It was so much fun to see his excitement for it.

At the last minute we decided to go to Monster Jam. We have been saying for years we were going to go but always ended up doing something else. But because we bought our tickets last minute we had seats at the very top of Sam Boyd Stadium. The seat were fine, but it was SO COLD!! (Bay is practicing one of her teenage looks again in this picture :)

We earned our Wolf in Cub Scouts :) We are having tons of fun doing scouting and Kade is so blessed to have incredible leaders.

My beautiful friend Colette is having a baby in April and her family all lives in Cedar. So Michelle, Nan and I threw her a baby shower. I love having baby showers :)
For the shower I made mini cupcakes. They were super yummy :)

Games have finally started. Kade is still loving to catch, and he really loves his new catchers helmet! I forgot to take pictures from Cole's first game. But we are just trying to keep him from picking flowers in the outfield.
Baylee is about a month and a half away from being an official teenager, but she has the "looks" down. She is a pro at the "mom you are so buggy" look. It doesn't bug me though hehe

On March 12th Bay and Kade had a violin recital. Which was actually just a warm up for Junior Festival which was on March 26th. Kade got super super nervous at the recital and forgot some of his one song. Bay did awesome. At Junior Festival they both got superior though! It is so fun to listen Baylee play now. She is SO GOOD! Kade is just glad that is over so now he can move on to different songs lol. Travis and I missed Junior Festival because I was at Cole's first baseball game of the season and Travis had to work. But Grandma Connie took them and loved every second of it! We are so blessed to have our grandmas and grandpas close and their willingness to help us and support our kids!
On March 5th Baylee got to be a part of the Mormon Youth Symphony and Chorus and perform THE LAMB OF GOD. She was actually in the choir instead of the orchestra but it was an incredible experience for her. These kids sounded better than any professional group I could imagine. She said when they were singing the one song, she felt like she was 10 feet off the ground. It was such a testimony builder for her.

I don't think I have blogged about Tori's dance team at school she is on. It is called the Wigglin' Wolves and she has loved it this year. It is another blessing from quitting gym, she got to be involved it this instead. I loved gym, but those 14 hours a week really made it so Tori had to sacrifice so much. Now she can do things like be in the school choir and the dance team at school and take piano lessons and actually play with friends. She made a very wise choice! They have performed at a Wranglers Hockey Game, at a UNLV basketball game, some community events and at their school.