Tori will be turning 13 in April and has definitely found the mood swings of a teenager already. Everything and everyone irritate her! She is working super super hard right now with cheer and student council. A lot of days she goes to school at 7:45 and doesn't get home at night until close to 7:00. She is super smart and doing so good in school this year. She is the most responsible and helpful kid in our house though! But because of that Travis and I sometimes ask too much of her. It is so nice to just ask her to do something once and know it will get done, and get done right. She just got braces back on for the second time. She was so excited to get them and is so not liking them now! Favorite color is still orange and that feeds into everything, clothes, food, decorations, you name it and she wants it orange.
Baylee will be turning 15 in May. I have no idea how that happened! Honestly, it feels like she should be about 6. She is such an amazing kid though. Still super easy going and happy most of the time. She is the kindest soul I have ever known and always sees the best in people. She loves seminary and LOVES her teacher. I'm so glad Travis chose to teach seminary one more year so they could have this experience together. She is busier than ever these days. She is on student council this year at school and is prepping to run again for next year right now. She is 1st chair violin in the school orchestra and preparing for festival in a couple weeks. She is on the swim team at school and has practice every day after school for that. And Zions Youth is starting this week so she will have those rehearsals as well. She is also teaching violin and has 9 students and a couple of kids on a waiting list. Plus, she manages to squeeze in homework somewhere in there! She still loves to read and somehow finds time to read her favorite books over and over again. She has a great group of friends and is really loving high school. Oh, and she steals my clothes ALL THE TIME! She thinks since I'm still asleep when she is getting ready in the morning my closet is open for whatever she wants. I actually like it though :)
Oh my boys! Kade is in such a "place" right now, I can't wait for him to be done being a 10 year old boy! He thinks he has to be the funny kid all the time. Which has gotten him into alot of trouble at school. He just can't seem to stop talking, I completely blame Travis's family for that trait! He is constantly "bullying" Cole and it drives me crazy. I know it's just an older brother thing, but I wish I could figure out a solution for it. He is still loving baseball, probably more than ever now. He's on a club ball team that practices twice a week and little league is going to start soon. He found out he was his coaches second pick so that made him pretty happy. He is super smart and does really well at school when he will stop talking long enough to actually do his work.
Cole still HATES to have his picture taken so this retarded looking one is the best I have of recent pictures. He is doing amazing finally is school. He's reading well and working really hard. Of course he thinks his teacher is the smartest person in the world! Every night at dinner he is telling us something pretty cool he learned that day. He is loving baseball as well and is so excited for little league to start. He will be 8 in March, and is way excited to get baptized. He is such a funny kid and isn't afraid to talk to anyone.