Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Last weekend we went to Salina for my Grandpa Allen's 90th birthday. It was a lot of fun to see all my cousins, aunts, and uncles. I have such a great family, I just wish we could spend more time together. But my Grandpa is still just as amazing as I always remember him. He drove himself and his new wife to the party. I think that is pretty impressive itself! But as everyone was talking about memories they had with him, he remembered everything! He talked about his life with my grandma and taking care of her for 13 years because she had alzeimers. And he also talked about his new wife and how happy he is. He totally deserves it! It was funny told us that when they talked about getting married they decided they would both go have physicals and if everything was okay with them they would get married. My Grandpa has always been such a good example to me of hard work and commitment. He was a farmer his whole life, and just an honest good man.

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