Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 9- Moving West

Far West Temple Site. In D&C 118 Joseph received the revelation that the 12 apostles were supposed to leave from this site on missions on April 26, 1839. From the time he received this revelation and that time though Joseph was betrayed and taken captive to Liberty Jail and the saints were forced to evacuate Far West in January. Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball headed back to Far West to fulfill that prophecy in the beginning of April. On April 6th they past Joseph Smith and Hyrum because they had been allowed to escape Liberty Jail. Also at Far West the churches official name was changed to what it is today. And also the law of the tithe was changed to 1/10th instead of "all you had".

Adam-Ondi-Ahman, what a glorious place!! There is no visitor's center, no cute little couple missionaries sharing stories and doing tours. Just an incredible spirit that testifies to the importance and sacredness of this place. Unless you have got to experience this place it is really hard to describe it.
We made it to Nauvoo! This statue is across the street from the Nauvoo temple. It is of Joseph and Hyrum and they are preparing to leave and go to Carthage. And the two people in the picture with Travis are a couple of our wonderful friends we have made on our trip, Levier and Linda Gardner.
We went to see the temple at sunset last night. What a glorious building this is! I can't even imagine how the saints were able to leave it after all the work they had put into it. Travis took a ton of pictures, and finally got this one with the light just perfect. They "spared no expense" as President Hinckley put it into this temple to make it as much like the original as possible. One interesting thing we learned was that the architects told Joseph there wasn't any way to do the round windows, it just wasn't safe or going to be strong enough. But he insisted because that is exactly what he had seen in the vision of this temple.

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