Friday, February 3, 2012


Alright, so it will come to no great surprise for me to tell you that I'm a control freak. Well aware of it and I'm pretty much okay with it. But, as my kids are getting older I know I have to let them make decisions on their own and not control every thing they do. Well, Wednesday Baylee's friend asked her to go to St. George with her and her family Thursday. She would miss school Friday. Baylee really wanted me to make the decision for her and to be honest I wanted to! But, I am trying to let her be responsible for decisions and then dealing with the consequences of those decisions. She decided that she shouldn't go because she didn't want to miss her math class. Not because she loves that class, but because she knows she would get behind and struggle to catch up. I was so proud of her for making that decision! And I have to say, I was proud of myself for not telling her what to do lol.


Unknown said...

First, look at how cute your blog is! I've missed it; I don't get around the blog block as much as I used to, unfortunately. And second, isn't it great to see your kids making hard choices? Question: What would you have decided for you if you could have?

Unknown said...

For her. I meant, what would you have decided for HER if you could have. sheesh. Learn to type, DeNae.

Lacy said...

DeNae, I miss ya lady! And I would have let her go to St. George lol :)